Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Feng Shui Art Painting Attracts Wealth!

Let me try to explain what this piece is designed to accomplish other than being a piece of contemporary art:
- Let's say, you need to strengthen the Wood feng shui element in a specific area of the home or office. Besides the obvious step of bringing more Wood energy (with plants, wood decor items, colors green and brown, etc), you will also focus on bringing more of the Water element because it nourishes the Wood. A space with concrete floors and upholstered furniture would be a good space to visualize as an example.
- Blue and black are the colors that are associated with the element water. The color black is associated with career and life paths and in turn, with skills and knowledge. When it is used in combination with metals, it has an especially strong association with money or income. Black is the color of power and emotional protection.
- Blue, a color with yin energy, is calm and soothing. This color reflects love and as such, it has a great significance in its use. The use of blue brings about healing and relaxation. Blue can create an air and resultant feeling of trust and peace. In the beliefs of feng shui, blue is associated with exploration and adventure.
- The green (wood element) patina forming organically on the copper introduces the notion of evolution of the wood as a result of the metal.
- The stripes supporting the metal sculpture represent the other elements bringing harmony and balance to the piece as a whole, ensuring success.
- The size of the painting (4'x5') lets it hang alone ensuring the positive flow of chi it is meant to create. When looking at it, the observer is instantly reminded of the good luck it brings and influenced by its intentions.
- The Chi created by the painting is felt in the space without looking at it. This also supports and encourages the success of its intention which is to bring wealth and balance to those who observe it.
My Feng Shui Art and the Feng Shui Garden
Feng shui in the garden
By Angel Rutherford
Special to the Herald/Review
Published/Last Modified on Sunday, Jun 07, 2009 - 02:15:49 am MST
Garden feng shui is the most important part of feng shui, because it is here where the quality of our living space begins. We need to surround us with good feng shui.
What is the art feng shui? Feng shui is the science of being one with our environment and using manipulation of the energies that surround us to create harmony and balance. It is important to realize that without harmony in our outside surroundings our inside living space has no good chi. The first rule of good feng shui is to be in balance with our native landscape, its mountains, vegetation, waters, wind and energies.
Feng shui is deeply embedded in the ancient history of China and was then only accessible to the ruling elite. Now this practice is available to everyone and has crossed the great waters to the New World.
The philosophy of feng shui is based on the trinity of luck that influences the quality of a person’s life. This is tien ti ren, the luck from heaven, the luck from the earth and the luck that we create for ourselves. Heavens luck, or karma, is your destiny and cannot be manipulated. Luck from the earth is feng shui. If we can live in harmony and balance with our environment we will be rewarded with good fortune. Human luck is in what we create in the opportunities that come our way and bring us best results.
Then there is yin and yang. Yin is the dark and passive, the female energy. Yang is the light and active, the male energy. Yin and yang are the eternal union of heaven and earth, whose breath is chi. In feng shui a balance of yin and yang is optimal, as to be unbalanced is bad chi, or killing breath. Yin and Yang are never steady as they interact. They change like the seasons — the sun rises and the moon goes down, day becomes night, winter follows summer — a never ending cycle.
In the practice of feng shui, balance between yin and yang is achieved by making sure that no part of the garden is too yin or too yang. For example, a front yard consisting mostly of gravel is too much yin and considered bad feng shui. A front yard where the earth is contoured and filled with native plants and rocks and gravel, yin and yang are in balance and is considered good feng shui.
Important are the four celestial animals, the green dragon brings prosperity, the white tiger gives protection, the black turtle provides support and the crimson phoenix presents opportunity. When the land is contoured, it suggests the presence of these celestial animals and this is considered good feng shui. Land that is totally flat is unbalanced and has no life-giving energy and has no good feng shui.
When planning the layout, the garden on the left side of the house should always be higher, as this symbolizes the dragon and can be achieved with structures, like arbors or walls. The right side of the garden, where the tiger resides should be lower, because the dragon should always dominate the tiger.
The backyard should be always slightly higher than the front yard. That symbolizes the turtle. Having the hill, or turtle in front of the house will overwhelm you. The balance can be achieved with just having a wall around your backyard. It also is a good idea to grow lush bushy plants with red flowers, the phoenix, on the left-hand side of the tiger. That will bring prosperity.
In feng shui poisonous arrows, anything sharp or pointed — like straight roads, a tall tree trunk — has to be softened or diffused. A straight driveway or path to your house needs to be disguised and softened with plants. Trees with bare trunks, like palm trees, are bad feng shui and need to be softened with bushy plants. Avoid trees with thorns. Fruit trees are wonderful choices because they bring life to the garden.
The dragon’s breath is chi. Chi is the source of peace and wealth, honor and good health. Good chi is sheng chi. Sheng chi travels slowly and strong winds hurt it. Winds need to be slowed down with wind breaks. Water in the garden is important if you want to create good feng shui. Small fish ponds, fountains and bird baths are wonderful to bring sheng chi to your garden. Water should never be allowed to stagnate and get polluted and become shar chi, the killing breath. Shar chi travels in straight lines. A path should always be winding, never straight.
There’s of course much more to the art of feng shui that I can get into, the principles are interesting and make sense.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Find Your Feng Shui Element Now @ My Feng Shui Art!
Then you need to find out what your CHINESE SIGN is. I am an Ox (not really happy about that)
Now you will want to know your FENG SHUI ELEMENT. I am Fire.
To work out your Personal Element proceed as follows:-
Find your year of birth. (The year for this calculation runs from 4/5th Feb., so if you were born on say 25 Jan 1947, your year would be 1946. If you were born on 10th Feb. 1947, your birth year would be 1947).
Then subtract 1900. (e.g. 1947 -
Now add the digits together repeatedly until you end up with a single digit. (e.g. 47-
If you are Male Subtract this from 10. This gives the Lo Shu Number. (e.g. 10-
If you are Female Add 5 to the number from step 3. (e.g. 2+5=7)
(If you end up with more than one digit then add these digits together repeatedly until you end up with a single digit.)
The 5 Feng Shui Elements

PRODUCTIVE CYCLE:Water nourishes plants and trees, wood makes fire which burns into ashes to form earth, earth is the source of metal, metal can be condensed to water or can be melted into liquid - water. This is the natural order.
DESTRUCTIVE CYCLE: Water puts our fire, fire melts metal, metal breaks wood, wood penetrates the earth, and earth absorbs water.
There you have it! From these 2 cycles, we should be able to figure out how to balance our spaces with the 5 elements.
It is my new found passion here at My Feng Shui Art to bring feng shui into focus for myself and I hope you join my journey.